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 Fuel Tank

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2 participants
Jeune PadaWan
Jeune PadaWan

Fuel Tank Empty
MessageSujet: Fuel Tank   Fuel Tank Icon_minitimeSam 8 Déc - 21:59


I would like to ask if anyone had problems with the plastic fuel tanks. I only get to drive my Turbo 2 every 4 to 6 months and every time I turn it on after some months the fuel pumps seize. I have replaced all the pumps 3 times already until I finally found out the problem. The plastic fuel tanks have very heavy mix that looks like glue. I don't know if this is just residue from the fuel or whether the plastic has melted throughout the years due to bad fuel and long sitting times. Can someone please advise how to clean this and if there is any product to coat the inside of the tanks.

Thank you for your assistance and sorry for writing in English.
Please respond in French.

Kind Regards
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Jeune PadaWan
Jeune PadaWan

Fuel Tank Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Fuel Tank   Fuel Tank Icon_minitimeSam 8 Déc - 22:23

Sorry I realized I should have posted this in another section.
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Fuel Tank Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Fuel Tank   Fuel Tank Icon_minitimeDim 9 Déc - 2:23

Hans: Nigeria, really ?

It's most likely sludge from old fuel. My T2 sat for 9-13 years and the plastic of the tank is intact but the fuel itself turned to tar.

Many different ways of fixing it, but basically the best thing would be to remove them, clean them with mineral spirits and small pebbles and then rinse them out very well. If you have access to an air compressor, it will make drying that much quicker.
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Fuel Tank Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Fuel Tank   Fuel Tank Icon_minitime

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Fuel Tank
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